Vibrant, flirtatious and sometimes highly erotic and allusive. It's all about the "Tresca", a simple and beautiful Tuscan dance. Simple and beautiful just like the Chianti wines.

I fell in love with this dance recently and it was love at first sight. Surprisingly, I knew all the movements, I understood all the steps and I really do enjoy it's impulsive character.
A little history. – "Tresca" was born in Italy, in the area of modern Tuscany, before the Renaissance, meaning it's a medieval dance from the 14th century. When the whole Renaissance thing began, the Tresca dance did not disappear. It only slightly changed its name and became a masculine "trescone". I love linguistics. Beautiful. She became him. Very contemporary! I might even say – liberating! Contemporary and liberating just like the Chianti wines.
An interesting fact. – Did you know that Sting, the singer, has a winery in Tuscany? Yes. The estate's name is Villa il Palagio. One of the Chianti wines from Il Palagio is called "When we dance", named after one of his songs. I like this interweaving of tradition, modern art and winemaking!
Now, when I first looked at my Chianti stained paper I had for this drawing, I literally felt the rhythm of the Tresca.
The lines go back and forth, make some unexpected turns, revealing, provoking... Oh, the wine on paper was definitely flirting. It couldn't be anything other than a dance! The Tresca!
Oh and by the way, in modern Italian language the meaning of the word "tresca" is... an "affair". Well, that's exactly the character of the tresca dance!
A little video illustration for the Tresca dance.