Long Live Saints, Art & Multimedia!

Long Live Saints, Art & Multimedia!

Sometimes I just can't help but... remember my journalistic past and my passion for the multimedia... I am honestly surprised that my love for sound-image-motion is more than alive. Thank you to my inspirers! (they know who they are)

This saint in that short motion image has nothing to do with my past or my inspirers for that matter. It's just... recently I started researching and collecting information about the sacred art (obviously!).



First, there is so much going on in the sacred art field around the world and we know nothing about it. Second, doing a daily research on saints or artists (past and contemporary) gives me so much... inspiration! Well, also I get to know the saints, their iconological symbolism and their representation in visual arts...

I am in absolute awe for the talent, skill and imagination of the artists!

I do discover that some saints are more loved by the “religious public” and the entire Internet is "littered" with pictures of these saints.

Other saints - who in my opinion are "more" interesting and worthy - are absent from the visual arts to almost zero. This is a huge unplowed field... However, there is no point in painting them, because... if now they are not present in paintings, it means that there is no demand for their images... Poor things...

For example, I discovered for myself a bearded woman (a saint who grew a beard so that no one would marry her).. Or brothers-lovers... Or a whole series of saints, whose symbolism in Russia today would be equated to gay propaganda and for which these saints (along with the artist) would be sent to prison... Poor things... again...

Well, long story short... Along the way I started doing these short multimedia shorts about saints... I have forgotten how much I enjoy making them...

It would be so great to be a part of some kind of a project where visual arts of sacred art (paintings), the sound and animation come together... not in a cheesy way but with a meaning...

Long live the motion in sacred art!

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