Spanish Gay Jesus Christ Of Seville?

Spanish Gay Jesus Christ Of Seville?

Hot and sensual Jesus Christ is a new symbol of Seville's Holy Week. The religious conservatives of the city are not happy at all. The painting by Salustiano Garcia is called controversial and his representation of Jesus is named "gay".  

First reaction – My perception of an artwork is almost always based on my first emotion or a first thought I have when I first see the artwork. The first thought with this painting was "Mammamia, it's a gay Jesus! Seville is so progressive! Yes! Finally!".

What is the Holy Week in Seville? -  This is one the two biggest religious festivals in the city of Seville, Spain. It's a week before the Easter and there are huge religious processions and artistic events with everything that Seville is proud of. In other words, it's a very important thing. Huge! 

Who is the author of the painting? – The artist who created this painting is Salustiano Garcia, a Seville born. I did not know about him till today, but it looks like – at least according to what writes on his website – he is well-known worldwide and his works are currently exhibited... almost everywhere in Europe and in the USA. He seems like a big deal. 

I call it "Barbie". – I wouldn't say that his style is my cup of tea but why not. How to describe his style?... Imagine the "Barbie" movie! Now, cut out Barbie and put her face on canvas with a very red background... oh and give her a cigarette between fingers. That's how I see most of his paintings. A glamour kitsch skilfully executed.

Why the fuss? – I guess the Seville's selection committee of the Holy Week new what they were doing by selecting this artist to create the main artwork which should represent the event in 2024. Right?  

Sexy and provocative. I would not pray to this Jesus or put it in a church but as an advertisement for the event – why not?!

Of course, it's just me and I am not even close to being "the religious circles" of Spain (thank God!). Many do not accept this painting, do not understand it, and even curse it. A huge scandal! Religious Spaniards are like that, they don’t mince words. Also, since it's a main advertisement image of the Holy Week in Seville, and you can see it everywhere in the city, the religious conservatives have no peace.   


What do you think?








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