The "FerroMonico" drawing from Chianti Series dives deeper into the hidden science of wine. It's not about alcohol, it's about the spirit.

One might think that wine is just a drink. Let me tell you – Chianti is a whole world of science! Wine is researched and studied, and I am pretty sure that every time we drink a glass of Chianti, a new discovery is being made.
This nude male figure drawing was inspired by... pheromones. Yes, the mysterious, strong and voluptuous soul of Chianti wines. If I am to over-simplify it, it's about the scent. The smell. The aroma which provokes sexual attraction.
Surprisingly, the scent of red wine is very similar to male sex pheromone (it's called androstenone). So, having just couple of glasses of wine can boost your sex drive. Nice. Don't overdo it, though.
I also learned that the smell of red wine can...protect plants from moth and other pests. I tell you, wine is not just an alcoholic beverage, it's a whole science. A whole universe.